Tuesday, April 29, 2008


sungguh-sungguh saya minta maaf ( gomen nasai!) kepada yang tertanya-tanya apa yang saya merapu dalam entri semalam. Itu sebenarnya lirik lagu. Kalau saya rasa blur atau tak bersemangat, saya suka dengar lagu ni... pada saya, liriknya pun menarik.

semalam sensei (cikgu) saya ( Jowo Pinter) yang datang melawat blog saya tertanya apakah entri saya itu sebuah lagu atau puisi. Perbendaharaan kata jepun saya masih belum luas untuk saya binakan sebuah puisi, sensei! Nanti bila dah tebal kamus perbendaharaan kata saya, saya ciptakan 1 untuk sensei ya!

dek kerana soalan itulah, saya sertakan terjemahan lagu Happiness itu.

Happiness ( by Arashi )

Rather than grieving in the headwind
If we imagine things will go well, someday times will change
When we’re engrossed in living and by trival matters
When we falter as love hurts us, we have to stand up again each time
If we think of the comings and goings of memories, it is too lonely
Because an exciting future is sure to be waiting over there for us

Start running, start running, let’s go and welcome tomorrow
Let me hear your sound, I feel it all
Don’t stop, don’t stop, these feelings move me now
No matter how small the bud may be, it is just one Happiness

Even the feelings of tears can’t be put into words
Because it’s alright not to worry about things like what color the rainbow of happiness is
When we find the answer, we’ll have accumulated more memories
From here to can head without fear to a new place

Till far away, till far away, the path leads on forever
Let me hear your voice, I’ll always be beside you
Don’t stop, don’t stop, these feelings I’ll always believe in
The bud may not have a name yet, but it is just one Happiness

Start running, start running, let’s go and welcome tomorrow
Let me hear your sound, I feel it all
Don’t stop, don’t stop, these feelings move me now
No matter how small the bud may be, it is just one Happiness

p/s: kredit pada bulma89 dan goro_chan


Anonymous said...

wah link terletak bawah kategori sensei!? apa maksudnya!?

selesa membaca entri anda. ternyata nampak kejujuran anda di dalam penulisan anda.

asuhara sue said...

en. megat:

sensei tu cikgu, blog en.megat dan 2 lagi sensei saya tu lah blog mula-mula saya layari dan belajar macam-macam. Jadi saya menganggap anda bertiga cikgu saya dalam dunia blog ini.

Honto ni arigato ghuzaimas(Terima kasih ya)!